A proud member of the
The Alberta Automotive Recyclers and Dismantlers Association (AARDA) is a group of more than fifty Alberta businesses, committed to leading the way for our industry in terms of environmentally responsible recycling practices, and maintaining awareness of industry trends, issues and opportunities in order to achieve more positive outcomes.
Auto recycling is the ultimate environmental choice. No other product on earth is recycled more than an automobile. Not only does it keep a flood of dangerous toxins from being released into our ground and water, it prevents unnecessary use of valuable landfill. And by reducing the need for new parts to be manufactured, you’ll be preserving scarce natural resources and cutting down on the resulting pollution.

There’s a bit of a misperception out there we’d like to clear up. You don’t need to be a do-it-yourselfer to use recycled parts. In fact, our biggest customers are repair shops just like yours. So the next time you bring your vehicle in, ask your mechanic if the Green Recycled Parts option is right for your repair. You’ll save yourself about half the price on parts… and be doing something amazing for the environment in the process.
At roughly half the cost of new parts, Green Recycled Parts are the original and genuine parts made to original manufacturer’s specifications. They’re road tested and guaranteed to fit your vehicle. From late model components to obsolete or hard to find parts you can be sure that your Green Recycled Parts will perform to the standards to which they were designed.

Recyclers purchase end-of-life and accidented vehicles, and ensure that all vehicles are retired in an environmentally sound manner. They spend significant resources to build and maintain facilities specially designed to capture and store harmful materials, keeping them from contaminating soil and groundwater.Today more than ever, auto recycling is paying economic and environmental dividends around the globe.You can support these conservation and environmental goals simply by choosing to use Green Recycled Parts and purchase them from an AARDA Member like us!